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Read Series: Rotten Ralph

by Author Jack Gantos


Happy Birthday Rotten Ralph (1994)

Ralph exhibits all the signs of a sociopath: a grandiose sense of self, lack of remorse or shame, an incapacity for love and a lack of empathy. He also exhibits poor impulse control and likely had early behavior problems as a kitten. His attitude towards Sarah is hostile and domineering. But more...

Happy Birthday Rotten Ralph (1994) by Jack Gantos

Rotten Ralph's Trick or Treat (1988)

When Sarah and her cat Rotten Ralph go to a Halloween party dressed as each other, Ralph's antics almost ruin their friendship.I've never read the rest of the Rotten Ralph series, but this one is pretty cute. Sarah and her cat, Rotten Ralph, receive an invitation to a Halloween party with instruc...

Rotten Ralph's Trick or Treat (1988) by Nicole Rubel