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Read Series: Pern: Harper Hall

by Author Anne McCaffrey


Dragondrums (2003)

Released in 1979, Dragondrums promised to round out the "classical" Pern books, but fails to reach that mark. The book failed to find me when first published and failed again to reach me this time around.The book itself tries to do too many things at once, often rushes through scenes and events, ...

Dragondrums (2003) by Anne McCaffrey

Dragonsinger (2003)

I think it’s hard for modern readers to imagine the cultural landscape back before fantasy became commonplace and widely accepted. Back when McCaffrey wrote this, before Star Wars, there was very little presence of fantasy in pop culture. Sure, there was plenty of good fantasy to read if you knew...

Dragonsinger (2003) by Anne McCaffrey

Dragonsong (2006)

Many a woman who found her love of reading early will fondly reminisce about her ‘horse period’ – when she read anything she could get her hands on that had to do with horses, such as the Marguerite Henry books (Misty of Chincoteague!) and Black Beauty. There’s a smaller and more select group tha...

Dragonsong (2006) by Anne McCaffrey