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Read Series: Lords Of The Two Lands

by Author Pauline Gedge


The Hippopotamus Marsh (2003)

4.5 starsLet me state, right off the bat, this is an excellent book. It is truly the standard by which all ancient Egyptian historical fiction novels should be measured...for the most part (I'll explain in a moment). The research is impeccable, thorough without being overwhelming and used appro...

The Hippopotamus Marsh (2003) by Pauline Gedge

The Horus Road (2003)

(view spoiler)[I loved The Hippopotamus Marsh and The Oasis. I couldn't put them down while I was reading them, so naturally I expected to love The Horus Road as well. Instead, I am extremely disappointed and could not bring myself to finish the book (finished at ~80%). I was close to giving the ...

The Horus Road (2003) by Pauline Gedge

The Oasis (2003)

Hoewel Gedge veelbelovend begon met deze trilogie, worden de minpuntjes uit deel 1 benadrukt in deel 2. De Oase begint traag en in het midden lijkt het bijna volledig stil te staan.Waar het in het begin nog wel interessant was om te lezen over de allerdaagse handelingen van de Oude Egyptenaren, z...

The Oasis (2003) by Pauline Gedge