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Read Series: Les Rois Maudits

by Author Maurice Druon


La loba de Francia (2006)

Read it a few years ago and loathed it, absolutely loathed it.I'll begin with a few things that I did like. The list of characters at the beginning is very helpful, and I like the system of 'Historical Notes' at the end of the novel, even if they're not always totally accurate (I don't know why t...

La loba de Francia (2006) by Maurice Druon

De como un rey perdió Francia (2006)

WARNING: REVIEW FULL OF SPOILERS(view spoiler)[Après la malédiction des trépas rapides, la malédiction de la médiocrité. “After the curse of the sudden deaths, the curse of mediocrity…” This poignant observation sums up the book’s plotline, and is told by the narrator, Cardinal Talleyrand-Périgor...

De como un rey perdió Francia (2006) by Maurice Druon

La ley de los varones (2006)

Louis X is dead, poisoned by Mahaut d'Artois. Her plan is to clear the path to the French throne for his brother Philippe, her own son-in-law. But their uncle Charles Valois has the same plans for himself - if Queen Clementia gives birth to a boy, he'll be regent. If a girl, who knows...Philippe ...

La ley de los varones (2006) by Maurice Druon

Los venenos de la corona (2006)

Even though I'm French Canadian, it's thanks to George R. R. Martin that I recently discovered the excellent The Accursed Kings by French author Maurice Druon. Having enjoyed both The Iron King and The Strangled Queen, I was curious to see what the third installment would have in store for reader...

Los venenos de la corona (2006) by Maurice Druon

La flor de lis y el león (2006)

I know there are seven books in The Accursed Kings series by Maurice Druon, but do I really need to read book 7 to have a proper closure? Judging by reviews and the fact that book 7 was published 17 years after the sixth almost like an afterthought, I’d say the answer is: no, this is it. The stor...

La flor de lis y el león (2006) by Maurice Druon

The Strangled Queen (1985)

”When one has governed men for a long time, when one has thought that one has acted for the best, when one knows the pains the task has entailed, and then suddenly sees that one has never been either loved or understood, but merely submitted to, then one is overwhelmed with bitterness, and wonder...

The Strangled Queen (1985) by Maurice Druon