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Read Series: How To Ruin

by Author Simone Elkeles


How to Ruin My Teenage Life (2007)

In this sequel to How to Ruin a Summer Vacation, EVERYTHING in sixteen-year-old Amy Nelson Barak's life is going wrong! Her mom got married and moved to the suburbs, and now they are going to have a baby. Amy moves in with her dad in Chicago and signs him up for an online dating service. His firs...

How to Ruin My Teenage Life (2007) by Simone Elkeles

How to Ruin a Summer Vacation (2006)

Moshav? What’s a moshav? Is it “shopping mall” in Hebrew? I mean, from what Jessica was telling me, Israeli stores have the latest fashions from Europe. That black dress Jessica has is really awesome. I know I’d be selling out if I go with the Sperm Donor to a mall, but I keep thinking about all ...

How to Ruin a Summer Vacation (2006) by Simone Elkeles

Kann das auch für immer sein? (2013)

Inhalt:Amy lässt nicht locker. Um ihre große Liebe Avi wiederzusehen, marschiert sie kurzerhand mit Glitzerkoffer in Pink und schwerst romantischen Vorsätzen in einem Ferien-Boot-Camp mitten in der Wüste ein. Keine gute Idee: Denn das Camp ist kein Wellness-Resort, Avi nicht gefasst auf Damenbesu...

Kann das auch für immer sein? (2013) by Simone Elkeles

How to Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation (2009)

Elkeles attempts to persuade readers that being apart from someone for a year and reconnecting for one week is enough to make a relationship, or one that will last. So many false notes here. It seems that Amy becomes more immature and childish as her character develops. Everyone is supposed to...

How to Ruin Your Boyfriend's Reputation (2009) by Simone Elkeles