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Read Series: Folktales

by Author Robin McKinley


Spindle's End (Folktales, #3) (2001)

This is one of McKinley's strongest works to date, and it makes me laugh to think that she essentially wrote it on a dare. From what she's said on her website, she had no love for the sleeping beauty myth -- after all, the princess spends it completely useless and out of the action, exactly oppos...

Spindle's End (Folktales, #3) (2001) by Robin McKinley

Rose Daughter (Folktales, #2) (1998)

I talk about my love for Robin McKinley's books a lot. I know everyone's read Beauty. It was her first book. It's essentially a classic of fairy tale retellings now. And I love it and will always love it for giving me a Beauty who was not beautiful and avoided mirrors at all cost and a Beast with...

Rose Daughter (Folktales, #2) (1998) by Robin McKinley

Beauty (Folktales, #1) (1993)

4.5 starsHands down my favorite McKinley. Young, untainted McKinley before she got all artsy fartsy and tried to down play and deny her appeal as a creator of likeable, pleasant, homey - hearth side heroines. There was a time she seemed to go all symbolic and archetypal and shit with her characte...

Beauty (Folktales, #1) (1993) by Robin McKinley