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Read Series: Dirty Harry

by Author Dane Hartman


Duel for Cannons (1981)

"Επιθεωρητής Κάλαχαν", εκδόσεις ΒΙΠΕΡ.Πρώτο βιβλίο της σειράς Βρόμικος Χάρι, τρίτο που διαβάζω εγώ. Μου φάνηκε το ίδιο καλό με τα δυο προηγούμενα. Ο Χάρι Κάλαχαν μπλέκεται σε μια βρόμικη υπόθεση, που τον αναγκάζει να μετακινηθεί από τους σκληρούς δρόμους του Σαν Φρανσίσκο στο Σαν Αντόνιο. Στόχος ...

Duel for Cannons (1981) by Dane Hartman

Death in the Air (1983)

Dirty Harry is gunning for blood; stalking a killer protected by the power of the U.S. government! The Magnum-powered action doesn't stop for Dirty Harry; not even on Christmas Eve. Now Harry's after a killer who celebrates the holiday season by shoving women beneath the wheels of speeding subway...

Death in the Air (1983) by Dane Hartman

The Blood of Strangers (1982)

Book by Dane Hartman

The Blood of Strangers (1982) by Dane Hartman

The Dealer of Death (1983)

Mad Dog Vigilante Cop! That's what the papers are calling Dirty Harry. Some dude who's no friend of Harry's has lifted his prize Magnum and is blasting some of his worst enemies out of this world. Harry wants to get his name clean, his gun back, and put an end to the "dead man" who's playing Harr...

The Dealer of Death (1983) by Dane Hartman