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Read Series: Daughter Of The Lioness

by Author Tamora Pierce


Trickster's Queen (2005)

This is the sequel to Trickster's Choice, beginning six months or so after the events in that novel. Alianne Cooper, daughter of Alanna the Lioness and George (Tortallan spymaster) has won her wager with the god Kyprioth and kept Sarai and Dove (the two elder daughters of the Balitangs) alive, bu...

Trickster's Queen (2005) by Tamora Pierce

Trickster's Choice (2004)

:/ I was hoping that I would enjoy this series better than Tamora Pierce's other Tortall books, which, while entertaining, didn't enamor me, mostly because they felt like they weren't original fantasy, and because Pierce seemed ham-handed with her messages. I put that off to the fact that many o...

Trickster's Choice (2004) by Tamora Pierce