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Read Series: Daredevil Vol. III

by Author Mark Waid


Demolidor, Vol. 1 (2013)

Mark Waid states that he grew up a DC fan and it shows in his approach to the man without fear. A much nicer version of Batman mixed with the wit of Flash and bravado of Hal Jordan. In fact, his history of working on Flash definitely shows. Daredevil the boy scout has been broken but not complete...

Demolidor, Vol. 1 (2013) by Mark Waid

Daredevil, Vol. 1 (2012)

This book further confirms that I don't really care about Daredevil. Waid is a talented writer, but he does nothing to make the character interesting beyond elaborating how Daredevil sees the world, and trying to figure how Matt Murdock can continue to practice law if everyone knows he's a costu...

Daredevil, Vol. 1 (2012) by Mark Waid

Daredevil by Mark Waid - Volume 1 (2013)

Gunna be needing about...oh...100 more like this, thanks. The art was refreshing and on-point, totally loved how his senses were portrayed in the illustrations. The writing was fun and clippy without being overrun by one-liners. Brought a lot of color to a character that has been grimdark for far...

Daredevil by Mark Waid - Volume 1 (2013) by Mark Waid

Daredevil by Mark Waid, Vol. 1 (2012)

The very best run on Daredevil. Great artwork on each cover, good storyline. Lurv. Great refresh of a character that had gotten too depressing to read.

Daredevil by Mark Waid, Vol. 1 (2012) by Mark Waid

Daredevil by Mark Waid, Vol. 2 (2012)

Just a generally good book - good writing and good art. The interplay between Spider-man and Daredevil and Black Cat comes out spot on each time. The lead story with Daredevil leading a field trip gone wrong was a stand-out. The way Daredevil is tied into the larger story of his life is well done...

Daredevil by Mark Waid, Vol. 2 (2012) by Mark Waid

Daredevil, Volume 1 (2012)

Mark Waid and his artistic collaborators in Paolo Rivera and Marcos Martin bring us a refreshing take on the Man Without Fear. Waid returns Daredevil to its swashbuckling roots which is light-years away from the Frank Miller inspired stories that came after Miller's seminal run. I like this new d...

Daredevil, Volume 1 (2012) by Mark Waid