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Read Series: Blood Of Eden

by Author Julie Kagawa


The Forever Song (2014)

Seperti udah diduga, bakal ada yang dijadiin vampir (iya, yang ituu) =__=jadi awal2 buku ada twist dikit, yang dikira musuh siapa, eh ternyata yang ituuh...Saren emang sinting banget yak, hidiih, pas menjelang akhir-akhir di pertempuran Eden, whoaaa kaya game aja tuh, tusuk tebas potong cakar gig...

The Forever Song (2014) by Julie Kagawa

The Eternity Cure (2013)

I was enjoying this book most the way through but in the middle when Jackel and Ally get back to New Convington and run into Zeke I was totally pulled in and excited about the book. I'm not the person who tries to guess where the author is going next I like to just sit back and enjoy the ride. So...

The Eternity Cure (2013) by Julie Kagawa