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Read Series: Aspect Of Crow

by Author Jeri Smith-Ready


Voice of Crow (2007)

In pain, in fear, and in longing—with every passing Rhia hears the cries of the departed. This "gift" from the ancient and mysterious Crow gives Rhia an intimate connection to death. One that holds her soul hostage to the Other Side-even as her people are threatened by the enemies they call Desce...

Voice of Crow (2007) by Jeri Smith-Ready

Eyes of Crow (2006)

For Rhia was bound to the Spirit of Crow, gifted with the foresight of Death's approach and doomed to the isolation of one feared and set apart. There must always be one whose magic can ease the passage of the people of Asermos to the Other Side. But to be the guide her people require, to truly k...

Eyes of Crow (2006) by Jeri Smith-Ready