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Read Series: Amerotke

by Author Paul Doherty


The Anubis Slayings (2001)

Hatusu, the remarkable young widow of Pharaoh Tuthmosis II, has forced Egyptian society to acknowledge her as Pharaoh, and her success in battle is spreading Egypt's glory well beyond its frontiers. In the Temple of Anubis, Hatusu and the defeated King Tushratta of Mitanni are negotiating a peace...

The Anubis Slayings (2001) by Paul Doherty

The Assassins of Isis (2006)

I'll be kind here; maybe more of a 2.5. Another in the series of ancient Egyptian mysteries featuring the astute Chief Judge Amerotke and his sidekick the dwarf Shufoy during the reign of Hatshepsut [Hatusu]. This one involves tomb robbers, murders, arson and kidnapping of four temple maidens. Th...

The Assassins of Isis (2006) by Paul Doherty

The Horus Killings (2002)

Another murder mystery solved, but not by me :) I wondered but wrongfully gave up on who I thought it was in the beginning. You do get a little help with who the murderer is because it's never the characters that appear in all the books, it's always one of the new characters. Kind of like so of t...

The Horus Killings (2002) by Paul Doherty

The Mask of Ra (1999)

Originally published on my blog here in April 2000.Many historical novelists have a period of history for which their writing seems particularly well suited. This is partly because writing a good historical novel involves a good deal of research, so that the background is most convincing when it ...

The Mask of Ra (1999) by Paul Doherty