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Read Series: Acorna

by Author Anne McCaffrey


Acorna: The Unicorn Girl (2000)

I was in some ways impressed and tickled by Acorna, and in other ways unimpressed and chagrined. Being an avid reader of Anne McCaffrey since I was in junior high school, there are many traits that I’ve come to enjoy in her writing: tying mythical beasts and the paranormal to modern and future se...

Acorna: The Unicorn Girl (2000) by Anne McCaffrey

Third Watch: Acorna's Children (2007)

Khorii, the rebellious daughter of the near-mythic Acorna and her lifemate, Aari, has followed in Acorna's footsteps leading their people from danger, but the pressure to succeed and fulfill a legacy is tremendous.For the deadly foe that has ravaged the known worlds and weakened even her famous p...

Third Watch: Acorna's Children (2007) by Anne McCaffrey

First Warning: Acorna's Children (2006)

The breathtaking saga of the second generation begins! It is difficult growing up in the shadow of heroes revered throughout the galaxy. But that is the lot of young Khorii -- daughter of the legendary Acorna and her lifemate Aari -- who must now follow her own destiny through a fantastic univers...

First Warning: Acorna's Children (2006) by Anne McCaffrey

Second Wave: Acorna's Children (2006)

This series just doesn't have the charm that the original Acorna series had. I don't know if it's because we're not discovering as many different worlds and cultures or if it's due to having Khorii as a main character, but there's definitely something missing. However, for fans of the series, thi...

Second Wave: Acorna's Children (2006) by Anne McCaffrey