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Destroy (A Standalone Romance Novel)

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Destroy (A Standalone Romance Novel) - Plot & Excerpts

She is very detached though. We’ve got two little girls–twins–in the ward that need a liver transplant badly. The father is good for one transplant but then there isn’t a second liver to give to the sister. And Dr. Aldridge is asking the parents to choose which girl will receive part of her dad’s liver.”
“Oh wow! That must be the most difficult choice one could ever have to make. And what have they decided, do you know?”
“No, not yet. But, I tell you, Tiff,”—I turned my body in the sofa to face her—“Dr. Aldridge was a stalwart through it all. She wouldn’t flinch. It was hard to watch, but she couldn’t have done anything else. It has to be the parents’ choice.”
“And when is that going to happen–the surgeries I mean?”
“On Friday. And this afternoon is when I had to clamp down on my feelings. Dr. Aldridge and I sat down in the center’s lounge and spent a couple of hours reviewing the case files. It was like studying with one of our professors. It felt good, actually.”

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