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Read Dark Realms (2000)

Dark Realms (2000)

Online Book

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Dark Realms (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I really enjoyed the first story in this collection, even though the conversations between the characters seemed to be a little stilted, but I gave up reading the rest after getting a little way through the second story. It seemed very formulaic, from Nikki's grousing, Nathan's bull-headedness, and Mother's indifference because she's making eyes at the sheriff, it just went downhill, until I couldn't care less what happened to any of the characters. Another thing that irritated me was the whole YA vampire teen romance genre must include a bad parent or two. Heroine (or Hero) finds spooky stuff happening, parents couldn't care less if they tried. I'm sorry I put as much time into this as I did. GoodReads Free Book from AuthorMany stories all surrounded by the supernatural. Kristen Middleton did a wonderful job of picking 6 of her best short storied for fast paced, edge of your seat read.The one book that I really liked best was the second one named "Blur." When Nikki and Nathan are forced to move from their hometown to a Shore Lake their lives take and even more dire turn. When their father beat and raped their mother they thought that their lives would finally be peaceful but that was wishful thinking. Upon arriving in the new town they were introduced to vampires that wanted them all. It was a chase to the end. Whose end is still to be determined though.All of the stories were well written and plotted out. The characters were each individual and stood apart. Kudos Kristen! I think each stories needed to be expanded upon however. They were too quick and/or left the reader hanging. Wonderful writing technique!

What do You think about Dark Realms (2000)?

This is a pretty good read. If you like paranormal then get this set and read it.

I couldn't get through the first couple chapters. I didn't like this one at all.

not entirely my cupatea but I finished it.

Too teenage romance for me. Moving on.


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