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Read Cyteen (1995)

Cyteen (1995)

Online Book

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0446671274 (ISBN13: 9780446671279)

Cyteen (1995) - Plot & Excerpts

Cyteen zvaigžņu sistēma ir dibināta 2201. gadā, tā sastāv no planētas un dažāda kalibra kosmosa stacijām. 2300. gadā viņa pasludināja savu neatkarību no Zemes, izraisot karu, kura rezultātā nodibinājās Savienība (Union). Savienībā liela nozīme ir pētniecības centram Reseune, tas nodarbojas ar cilvēku klonēšanu un klonu smadzeņu pārprojektēšanu. Kloni saukti par “azi” ir nepieciešami Savienības tālākai ekspansijai, jo dabīgā ceļā iegūt pietiekoši lielu cilvēku daudzumu ir pārāk piņķerīgi. Arī ir kāda superslepena projekta rezultāts, viņa ir īsts brīnumbērns, kas nemaz nenojauš savu lomu Savienības politikā. Arianei Emory nākas ne tikai atklāt savas priekšgājējas dzīvesstāstu, bet arī izdzīvot pasaulē, kurā valda intrigas, politika, un reizēm par pēdējo argumentu kalpo arī slepkavība.Lasot grāmatas ievadu, man radās priekšstats, ka grāmata patiks. Kā gan man nevarētu patikt civilizācija, kas kolonizē tālas zvaigžņu sistēmas, ir karojusi ar Zemi, un dažās jomās pat ir pārāka par to. Skaidrs bija arī tas, ka grāmatas centrālā tēma būs kloni un klonēšana. Šīs grāmatas klonu izveidošanas tehnoloģija neaprobežojas ar klonu armijas izveidi (neiztiek jau bez tā), te diezgan daudz tiek diskutēts par tādām lietām kā klonu tiesībām, radītāju atbildību, klona apmācība un kontrolēšana. Reseune visi to vien dara kā klonē un programmē klonus. Ja parastam cilvēkam dzīves gudrības ir jāapgūst pašam ar standarta metodēm, tad klons tiek specializēts ar īpašu “lentu”(tape) palīdzību. Tas vairāk izskatās kā zem hipnozes iebarotas informācijas un iemaņām. Tādējādi klons ir īstens speciālists noteiktās jomās, viņš jūtas laimīgs darot savu darbu. Taču tam ir viens liels mīnuss, klonam visu šo iejaukšanos rezultātā ir diezgan nestabila psihe, un tā visu laiku ir jākoriģē.Ari projekts ir ļoti interesanta jautājuma apcerēšana. Vai ģenētisku klonu audzējot tieši tādos pašos apstākļos kā oriģinālu mēs iegūsim tādu pašu cilvēku? Tā kā Arianes oriģināls ir visu mūžu pavadījis visnotaļ ierobežotā telpā, un visa viņas dzīve ir dokumentēta ir liela iespējamība, ka viņas dzīves sākuma gadus izdosies replicēt. Man jau šķiet, ka te ir iejaukti pārāk daudz mainīgie, kuri agrāk vai vēlāk novedīs pie nopietnām cilvēku personības atšķirībām, lai ar ģenētiskais materiāls ir identisks. Reseune gan šis eksperiments nav pirmais, un viņiem šķiet, ka indivīda attīstību nosaka noteikti dzīves pagrieziena momenti, un nav jēgas ieslīgt detaļās.Šīs divas diskusijas tad arī bija galvenais iemesls, kādēļ es grāmatu vispār lasīju. Tās gan diemžēl nomāca Ari, viņas onkuļu un Džastina savstarpējās intrigas, kaislības un politika. Ja kādam šķiet, ka Dune ciklā politiskās peripetijas iestiepj grāmatu līdz garlaicībai, tad viņiem vajadzētu iepazīties ar šo grāmatu. Šeit politiskās intrigas risinās gliemeža ātrumā, tās tiek plānotas desmit gadus iepriekš un rit veselas desmitgades. Autorei ir licies svarīgi apzelēt katru niansi, izanalizēt katra grāmatas tēla iekšējos domāšanas procesus, kuros tiek apsverti visi par un pret. Sižeta attīstības ātrumu var salīdzināt ar kontinentu dreifu vulkāniski neaktīvā gadā. Visi maļas uz riņķi vien. Tā arī nesapratu centrālo sižeta dzinējspēku, kādēļ Warrick klans skaitījās tik ietekmīgs Reseune stacijā. Viss tas klans ir divi cilvēki (nevar jau teikt, ka citos klanos būtu vairāk). No šiem diviem cilvēkiem viens dažādu viltīgu intrigu rezultātā tiek nobīdīts perifērijā, bet viņa dēls Džastins (arī gudrs puika un ģēnijs) paliek Reseune, kurā visi no viņa vairās un ienīst. Lai intriga nebūtu pavisam plakana, autore ieviesusi vēl vienu ģimenes “locekli” klonu Grantu. Tas tad izveido spēles galdu, kas Reseune vadītājiem ļauj kontrolēt Warriku klanu, vienmēr atrodas kāds šantāžas punkts. Warrick klans nez kādā veidā pamanās savu ietekmi nezaudēt veselus divdesmit gadus, neskatoties uz to, ka Džordans atrodas faktiskā izsūtījumā, un Džastins ir puņķains jauneklis, kurš iebiedēts tā, ka bezmaz vai čurā gultā. Noslēpums, ko viņi glabā, ir noslēpums tikai ģimenes drāmas ietvaros, nevis kosmiskās stacija Virspadomes skatījumā.Arī stāsts ir par to, ka mazgadīgie ģēniji ir bīstami. Viņi sāk darīt visu, lai atgūtu savas priekšteces vietu jau no sešu gadu vecuma. Izcila shēmotāja, sabiedriskā viedokļa analizētāja un visādi citādi izdevusies meitene. Viņas stāsts vietām pat bija interesants, un šur tur notikumi virzījās pat pārsteidzoši ātri. Viņa arī ir vienīgais tēls, kuras attīstība ir kaut cik ņemama vērā. Viņa no naiva bērneļa izaug par rūdītu politiķi, kura nebaidās uzņemties atbildību par veselu sistēmu.Pasaules uzbūve ir ieskicēta ļoti labi, bet nekā vairāk. Var redzēt, ka autorei ir talants pasauļu veidošanā, bet šī grāmata tiek pilnīgi visa veltīta politikai un intrigām. Pēc daudzām lapaspusēm ar varoņu iekšējiem dialogiem pasaulei nekas daudz pāri nepaliek.Šogad vēl neviena grāmata nav izraisījusi man tādu pārbaudījumu kā šī. Lasīšanas process šķita bezgalīgs. Lasīju es viņu veselu nedēļu, pa laikam izlasot kaut ko pa vidu interesantāku. Izlasīju tikai principa pēc, ciest nevaru iesāktas un neizlasītas grāmatas. Grāmatas pluss - tā ir labas zāles pret bezmiegu, ielasoties dialogos nemaz nemanīsi to, ka esi jau aizmidzis. Nudien nesaprotu, ka savulaik viņa ieguvusi visas tās fantastikas balvas. Iespējams, ka tad lasītāji bija savādāki. Iespējams bija pienācis tas brīdis, kad balvu devēji bija sapratuši, ka autorei vajag iedot kādu balvu par iepriekšējiem darbiem, jo tie cik es noprotu ir bijuši interesantāki. Kopumā grāmatai lieku 6 no 10 ballēm. Ja nevari iemigt, un vēlies ko īpaši garlaicīgu, tad droši lasi šo grāmatu, aizmigšana pēc pārdesmit lapaspusēm garantēta. Savukārt, ja nolemsi izmantot grāmatu kā palīgu intrigu vērpšanā, tad te diemžēl viss ir ar pārāk atrauts no dzīves, te viss nedaudz atsit meksikāņu seriālu. Grāmatu varētu uzlabot, ja tā nedaudz tiktu kondensēta apjomu samazinot uz pusi.

For some reason this took me a very long time to read. I just kept losing focus, losing interest, losing the thread. I have been very stressed out lately, however, so I'm not sure it's the book's fault.Cyteen is a semi-inhospitable world that has become the center of the Union, a far-future federation of human space colonists who have left Earth, the Alliance and the power-hungry Company behind. The main power on Cyteen is Reseune, a scientific facility that researches personality creation, meme propagation and cloning, and which creates azi, genetically engineered human clones who are programed from birth to hold certain values, follow certain scripts and fill certain positions in society. And the power in Reseune is the dynamic and charismatic Ariane Emory, a certified genius whose political and scientific clout has earned her enemies and friends across known space.When Ariane Emory is murdered, therefore, the power vacuum is so severe that the ultimate project is set in motion at Reseune: Emory shall live on in the form of Ari, her clone, who will be taught not just to fill Emory's shoes but to be Emory in every sense of the word. Because some of Emory's theories and projects are too important to leave to anyone else...The premise allows Cherryh's fascination with personal motivation, deep-core values and cultural norms to come to the fore. Ariane Emory was a terrible person--or at least a brilliant, driven, ruthless, extremely focused scientist and politician who put many things ahead of kindness, mercy and the individual well-being of others. In the opening sequences we watch Emory maneuver both in the government and at Reseune to get what she wants, manipulating every situation, every person around her, and crushing and even psychologically maiming anyone who stands in her way.Then Emory is struck down, and we get to see Ari, her clone, grow up at Reseune, with her caretakers trying their hardest to apply all the pressures--even the most devastating--that the original Ari had to deal with as a child. At the same time, Ari slowly begins to learn the true history and motives of her "predecessor," and we gain a measure of sympathy even for the perpetrator of the horrific acts we witness at the beginning.In the end I really liked this book. It did feel a bit dated in certain aspects, however. I was a bit puzzled by the author's handling of homosexuality, for instance. Several of the male characters have long-standing relationships with others of the same sex, but they are never referred to as gay or homosexual. Instead, code words are used--including, at one point, the word "misogynist/misogyny", which made me blink in horrified amusement. And it's not as if bisexuality is the norm, because heterosexuality is explicitly mentioned. Ah, well. Even if the homosexual characters are treated as an aberration, they at least get to have long-lasting love relationships.

What do You think about Cyteen (1995)?

I finally have this book in e-book form since it's kinda hard to order it and have it arrive in an hour. :))I read Rebirth when I was in high school and love it and couldn't wait to get my hands on the other two novels. Unfortunately it was not very easy, unlike Narnia novels which were available at the library I work for.Anyway, I just couldn't help it, I read it in jumping sequence. Sometimes to the middle, to the front, and then to the back. My favorite character would be Florian and Justin. But then again, I haven't delved into the politics of this book, but I enjoy reading it again and again.

I realised this was a long book when the hefty tome arrived in the post and I viewed the small font but I didn't think it would take me this long to finish.I don't tend to like long books; I am instantly sceptical and always question whether they genuinely needs to be. I notice that this volume was once published in three parts (against the will of the author) and I have to agree that it doesn't really make sense to break up the story in that way. What it really needed was some good editing, some streamlining to tell the story that could have been told in a far more condensed way.I oscillated between mild boredom and rapt interest throughout the book. It took a while to get going in the first place and then ended at a seemingly arbitrary point and on an inconclusive note but in was, at times, a deeply engaging narrative. Themes of power, politics, cloning and identity were examined. Character wise only Ari Emory was of any interest, the rest seeming somewhat thin and unconvincing, In particular Grant and Justin Warrick felt poorly conceived; they just seemed like female characters to me even though they were supposed to be male.It's been a while since I've read a book by this author and, to be honest, after this mammoth undertaking it will probably be a while again before I pick up another. It was good but just didn't quite justify the effort and time involved unfortunately.

Cyteen by C.J. Cherryh. A 680-page paperback but don't be fooled. I'm pretty sure this novel chalks in at 300K+ words. It certainly weighs a few pounds.A third of the way through, I'm calling it quits. I might pick it up again if there's nothing else in the house to read. But definitely some other time.The writing itself is very good. Literally, that is the only thing that kept me going (and the hope things would suddenly get interesting). Cherryh's portrait of the universe has a lot of richness and depth to it. It's realistic and explores a wonderful human-factor that often gets drowned out in SF.So what did I not like so much it made me stop (when I'm such a masochist for reading worse books than this one)? The characters are a big part of it. Lots of characters, perhaps too many. Ari's developed very well, but I don't like her. I wanted the whole Justin/Jordan dynamic to be played up more because I loved the concept of their relationship. Instead, Justin plays off Grant, who I care nothing about. And the same goes for everyone else in politics, I have no idea who's more than a background character and I have a hard time keeping any of them straight. Which is funny because most of the praise lauds her characterization, and others call it "absorbing, gripping, and fast-paced." No. Just. No. The core SF is where this book shines.Which brings me to my next beef -- too much politicking. If people had problems with Dune, I don't see how they could possibly follow this one. Plus keeping all the characters' scheming and agendas straight. Too much, too fast. Complex can be good, and if I had more of an attachment to the characters, it'd be easier to follow. That would be reason enough to read on. Or chalk this one up to "I'm just dense and had a hard time following it." That works too.I have a hard time determining what the plot of the story is (which would be a minor gripe if not for the reasons above). Things happen but at such a meandering rate that it's not clear where the story is heading. Add to that the distinct lack of tension and it's on the cusp of being a real snoozer. Is the mystery reason enough? The characters themselves aren't interested in that. It's obviously a political thing, one I'd need to read the book twice to fully realize. But is the payoff there and will I care?I cheated and read the wikipedia plot summary for the book, hoping it would lure me into finishing. It didn't. Sad panda. :(By no stretch of the imagination is this a bad novel. Thus far, it has been very well done; its honors are all deservedly earned. But...I just don't connect to the characters. No empathy, only apathy. And that's when I close the book and say, "The end."
—Lisa Eskra

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