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Crashland - Plot & Excerpts

She had come to Agnessa expecting to turn her back on d-mat, and here she was uncovering a plan to take over OneEarth from the inside. If that was what it really was. Just because it felt right to her didn’t mean that some lawmakers were really intending to mind-rape the world. They needed evidence. And they needed some kind of leverage before they could possibly take something this incendiary public. Her mother was still vulnerable. She was still vulnerable. What did she have on her side apart from a band of argumentative misfits hiding out in an abandoned city?
She had Clair’s Bears, she reminded herself, and there was a chance they might already have provided the information she needed. Calling up the file Ronnie had been trying to send her, she opened it up in a window of its own. It asked for a password, so she entered “Elevate,” the name of the song she and her friends had danced to at the crashlander ball. That didn’t work, so she tried “Silent P,” the artist who had sung it.

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