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Read Book 12 - The Golden Tree (2012)

Book 12 - The Golden Tree (2012)

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Book 12 - The Golden Tree (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

His primaries sparkled silver in the moonlight as he carved a steep turn, then folded his wings and plunged toward a cresting wave. He swooped up, barely escaping the grip of the sea as the spume trailed behind him like a comets tail. Twilight looked to the rest of the Hand. "And they say seagul s do it better!" Gylfie turned to Soren, and Digger sighed then churred softly. "We al know what's coming, don't we?
"Indeed!" Soren and Digger both said at once. Then Twilight began: I don't just do it better I don't even get wetter I'm prettier - hey, beautiful!
I'm a gorgeous owl and not a gul !
Waves crash, grass grows I can whup anything before it knows.
The winds were capricious at this time of year and the owls of the Band entertained themselves by sliding in and out of their folds, rising and plummeting on the rogue drafts that buffeted the Island of Hoole.
XI 11 There was nothing that owls liked doing more than playing with air, with wind, and none did it better than the Band. Despite the season, almost winter and the beginning of what the owls of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree cal ed the time of the white rain, the great tree stil retained the nearly golden glow of summer.

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