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Read Blonde With A Wand (2010)

Blonde with a Wand (2010)

Online Book

3.84 of 5 Votes: 1
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0451228928 (ISBN13: 9780451228925)

Blonde With A Wand (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Anica Revere is a witch, she has a rule about not getting involved with a man before telling him she's a witch. She has been dating Jasper Danes, and has decided it's time to tell him she's a witch. Before she has that opportunity, Anica and Jasper get into an argument over his break-up with the woman he dated before Anica.Anica breaks an even bigger rule when she casts a spell on Jasper that turns him into a cat and strips her of her magic. This book was hot, no doubt and more of a 3.5 stars than just a 3. I found the premise to be very interesting and I like way Ms.Thompson carried it out for the most part. It was good to see Anica Revere, a witch, loosen up and let her bad girl out. It wasn't so good for Jasper Danes in the beginning, but it worked out in the end. The only thing that didn't really click for me was the way Anica and Jasper fell into bed. It was like one minute Jasper was thinking of ways to get revenge for Anica turning him into a cat, and Anica worried and scared about what Jasper was going to do, and then they were in bed! The transition wasn't so smooth for me. The book got very hot after that point. But it's a great book by Ms.Thompson. I've read a few books by her before, but never one including paranormal themes. Check it out!

What do You think about Blonde With A Wand (2010)?

fun book. like the characters.

funny, cute,


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