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Read A Fire In The Blood

A Fire in the Blood

Online Book

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Shirl Henke

A Fire In The Blood - Plot & Excerpts

He dismounted and had walked as far as the first step when Cormac, out for his morning exercise, came racing around the side of the building. The big hound ground to a halt with a low growl. His raised hackles made him look even more formidable.
      Lissa heard the sounds of growling and cajoling from the upstairs window. She ran down the steps, shrieking commands to Cormac, while at the same time trying to smooth her tangled hair and finish buttoning her dress. She arrived at the front door just after the dog had backed Mathis against the wall and was leaning over him with a wolf-sized paw on each side of his prey's head.
      "Get this timber wolf in dog's fur off me or I'll be forced to shoot him, Lissa."       "Cormac, down!" Lissa yelled as she burst out the door.
      Perspiration was running down Lemuel's face. Judging by his ashen complexion and the way the dog had immobilized him against the wall, it seemed unlikely that he would be able to free his gun, much less fire it at his intended target.

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