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Yan, Mo books

Yan, Mo
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.1

Read Books by Yan, Mo


The Garlic Ballads

It was a tall, handsome building—on the outside, at least—whose colorfully shaded lights above the gate illuminated both the large red letters of the signboard and the pale-green plaster façade. Pushcarts that opened after dark formed two rows leading up to the gate, like a long eorridor. Sleepy-...

The Garlic Ballads by Yan, Mo


POW! 29  That plump, golden goose is now nothing but a pile of bones. The boy leans back his corpulent body and exhales loudly, the expression on his face one of intoxicating, after-meal contentment. Bright sunlight falling on his face paints an enchanting image. Lan Laoda walks up to him, bends ...

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