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Way, Maggie books

Way, Maggie
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Read Books by Way, Maggie


Paris (Entangle Me Book 4)

Ugh. Somehow I’ve gone through a fresh box in the last six hours, and my nose is still flowing like the Nile River.     This flu is ghastly. I have a clown red nose; my voice is so hoarse and raspy that I think I have become a man. Given how hectic my schedule has been over th...

Paris (Entangle Me Book 4) by Way, Maggie

Amalfi Coast (That Wedding Girl Book 2)

7:58pm My nerves are almost obstructing me from enjoying the beauty that is this spot. The sunset is piercing, a fiery red orb of light slowly sinking beneath the horizon, dyeing the sky a light first pink.     Where is he? Maybe he meant another spot? Surely not. Maybe he’s c...

Amalfi Coast (That Wedding Girl Book 2) by Way, Maggie

Bangkok (That Wedding Girl Book 3)

The wedding went full steam ahead! Yvonne texted me at 5am in the morning, and it was the best wakeup call I have had in a long time.     The text was so simple but it spoke volumes to me: *Yep, it’s still going ahead. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.* Even though I did...

Bangkok (That Wedding Girl Book 3) by Way, Maggie

Sydney (Book One) (That Wedding Girl 1)

Tristan might be a womaniser but surely he’s responsible enough to not jeopardise his career like that, or so I thought.   He shrugs, seemingly unworried.  “We were having fun, and then she decided she wanted more.”     I raise an eyebrow, interested in some gossip. “And then ...

Sydney (Book One) (That Wedding Girl 1) by Way, Maggie

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