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Travis Heermann books

Travis Heermann
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Read Books by Travis Heermann


Heart of the Ronin

—Ransetsu   The morning came, quiet and gradual, masked by the cold grayness of clouds and mist. There was no fire in Ken’ishi’s room, so he was grateful for the warm, sleeping body lying next to his. Kiosé slept the sleep of the exhausted, nestled against his shoulder. Even in sleep, her hand cl...

Heart of the Ronin by Travis Heermann

The Ronin and the Green Maiden (2015)

Clouds the color of sodden ash hung heavy in the sky, and the cold, wet wind seeped into his limbs in spite of the warmth of Thunder under him. Still a novice horseman, he wondered how long before his backside would become accustomed to the lacquered wooden saddle. A woodcutter at the last crossr...

The Ronin and the Green Maiden (2015) by Travis Heermann

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