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Tim Roux books

Tim Roux
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Read Books by Tim Roux


The Ghost Who Fed Them Bones

Mike wil not be up until at least midday as we have nothing planned. I haven’t explained where I am going, but we often abandon each other at the house, so there is nothing for him to suspect. The barn where Alice is probably hiding is a derelict one, however, I am stil cautious as I open the ric...

The Ghost Who Fed Them Bones by Tim Roux

This Could Be Rock 'N' Roll

I don’t give out the number to many people as there is a Sods’ Law tendency for everybody to phone me during showings. Lesley phones me during a particularly upmarket showing of a palatial pile near Cottingham being viewed by a couple of stupidly tetchy people in their fifties who, if they didn’t...

This Could Be Rock 'N' Roll by Tim Roux

Little Fingers!

@page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Chapter 15   I am sitting here trying to re-create my mother. She was once someone other than I knew her. She was beautiful, and fierce, and courageous and savage. She frightened people with her intensity, and allured them with it too. ...

Little Fingers! by Tim Roux

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