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Terry Bisson books

Terry Bisson
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Read Books by Terry Bisson


Bears Discover Fire and Other Stories (1995)

Bears Discover Fire is the first short story collection by the most acclaimed science fiction author of the decade, author of such brilliant novels as Talking Man and Voyage to the Red Planet. It brings together nineteen of Bisson's finest works for the first time in one volume, among them the da...

Bears Discover Fire and Other Stories (1995) by Terry Bisson

The Fight to Survive (2002)

The evolution of the ultimate badguy: one of the most popular Star Wars characters ever comes to life in this spin-off from Episode II.

The Fight to Survive (2002) by Terry Bisson

The Fifth Element (1997)

Korben Dallas stars as the main protagonist in the Movie-go-Book, act-rom-com-dram-scifi-thriller, that is known as The Fifth Element. It is just an ordinary day for Korben Dallas, but just as his life gets worse, an angel falls from the sky. Leeloo A.K.A The Fifth Element is on a mission to stop...

The Fifth Element (1997) by Terry Bisson

Fire on the Mountain (2009)

I have read almost all the works of the Master—Isaac Asimov, the works of Frank Herbert (and indeed, several of his sons), Robert Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Frederik Pohl, William Gibson, Octavia Butler, Ursula K. LeGuin, et al. I am a sci-fi head. Yet few works have moved me as deeply, as...

Fire on the Mountain (2009) by Terry Bisson

TVA BABY and Other Stories (2011)

Or dreams. Orville collected stamps. His big brother, Wilbur, collected dreams. That made it hard to know what to get Wilbur for his birthday. He would be twelve soon. Then Orville saw the magazine. WONDER TALES for BOYS. The perfect thing for a dreamer! “Happy Birthday,” he said. W...

TVA BABY and Other Stories (2011) by Terry Bisson

Numbers Don't Lie

Vacant lots in Brooklyn are grim, unappealing stretches of rubble grown over with nameless malevolent, malodorous plants; littered with roach-spotted household junk; and inhabited by scabrous, scrofulous, scurrying things you wouldn’t want to look at unless it were out of the corner of an eye, in...

Numbers Don't Lie by Terry Bisson

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