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Tarah Scott books

Tarah Scott
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Read Books by Tarah Scott


My Highland Love (2013)

I really loved this book. There is much more here than meets the eye. Great intrigue, mystery and romance. Throw in one determined, hot highlander, a heroine that is no milk water miss, a cast of wonderful supporting characters and you've got a winner. This is the second book I have read by T...

My Highland Love (2013) by Tarah Scott

Hawk and the Cougar

She slowed and turned off the road. His assistant had said he would be at the dig all day, and Liz hadn’t wanted to wait to apologise and make sure he wouldn’t hold her stupidity against Emma. The driver’s side of the Chevy came into view and she hit the brakes, eyes glued to the dent in the side...

Hawk and the Cougar by Tarah Scott


Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray         Chapter One   Murderers weren’t born. They were made. At least, that’s what Margot had told herself these last four years. She opened the door to Castle Morrison and stepped inside the small entryway. Her hand tightened on the strap of the duffel sh...

Labyrinth by Tarah Scott


“Good afternoon, sir,” he said as the marquess halted in front of them. “May I present Miss Eve Crenshaw? Miss Crenshaw, my father, the Marquess of Rushton.”     She dipped into a perfect curtsy. “My lord.” She rose.     “Miss Crenshaw,” he said. “I trust y...

Highlanders by Tarah Scott

Lord Ruthven's Bride

She cried out to ensure he followed her. Boots pounded on the ground close behind. Her foot plunged into in a hole. She stumbled and caught herself despite the pain that shot up her leg. A large object loomed in front of her. She dodged right.     “You are making things worse,...

Lord Ruthven's Bride by Tarah Scott

To Tame a Highland Earl

A moment of expectant silence passed. Then the earl dropped to his knees, blood seeping through his fingers. Pandemonium broke out and Erroll allowed the arm gripping the pistol to drop to his side. He crossed to Halifax, scooped up his pistol, then stood aside for the doctor, who followed two pa...

To Tame a Highland Earl by Tarah Scott

Lord Keeper (2011)

With a violent flick of the reins, Victoria dug her heels deeper into the belly of her horse. Strong and sure, the incessant beating of his hooves against moist ground came as a welcome accompaniment to the wild rhythm of her heart. She pushed harder and leaned forward against her companion. Desp...

Lord Keeper (2011) by Tarah Scott

My Highland Love: Highland Lords Series

In minutes, this man would be her husband. Her gaze met his and she saw there an intensity that demanded she leap into his arms from across the final precipice that separated them. Her knees weakened. Marcus held out his hand. She flushed and dropped her gaze. He grasped her hand in a firm grip, ...

My Highland Love: Highland Lords Series by Tarah Scott

Abducted:Reconnaissance Team (Texas Rangers: Special Ops)

He’d never lifted a hand to a woman and he’d sure as hell never scared a woman like that. When Larissa had seen through his cover, he should have scrapped the night. But he’d wanted Sanchez. Now Liz might die because of him.     Like hell.     “Come on.” Be...

Abducted:Reconnaissance Team (Texas Rangers: Special Ops) by Tarah Scott

Lord Grayson's Bride

This last week, the girl’s parents had paraded her around like a piece of horsemeat for sale—an apt analogy, as far as Josephine was concerned—and Jo had the impression she was relieved to have a quiet day away from any eligible gentlemen.     Jane’s father led the group along...

Lord Grayson's Bride by Tarah Scott

The Pendulum

How much easier it would have been to let Lord Bothwell slay him. She reached up and touched the brooch. She would toss the cursed thing into the loch at first opportunity. Nay. She would ride today and throw it in. "This is the brooch?" Gewain broke the silence. "'Tis my brooch," Deryll replied....

The Pendulum by Tarah Scott

Dangerous Liaisons

Jesse opened her eyes, aware of the glow of a bedside lamp—and the passage of time. Red digits of a bedside clock read two a.m.     Cole shifted beside her in his sleep, his arm curling tighter around her shoulders. He held her as if it were the most natural thing in the world...

Dangerous Liaisons by Tarah Scott

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