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Tanya Byrne books

Tanya Byrne
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Read Books by Tanya Byrne


Follow Me Down (2013)

From Me Down by Tanya Byrne is a story about two wealthy teenage girls: Adamma and Scarlett who become best friends. That is until Adamma chooses love over their friendship and Scarlett goes missing…Adamma moves from New York to England after her father becomes the Nigeri...

Follow Me Down (2013) by Tanya Byrne

Heart-Shaped Bruise

Tuesday. Wednesday. I don’t even know any more. I just know that I seem to be talking to Doctor Gilyard more. I don’t mean to, it just slips out, like I’m talking in my sleep. ‘It’s Reta’s birthday today,’ I told her this week. ‘Yes, it is.’ ‘She’s eighteen.’ ‘Yes, she is.’ ‘It must be strange, h...

Heart-Shaped Bruise by Tanya Byrne

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