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Suzanne Frank books

Suzanne  Frank
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Read Books by Suzanne Frank


Sunrise on the Mediterranean (1999)

Book three and our time-travellers, Chloe and Cheftu, find themselves in ancient biblical Israel as vassals of King David. This was my least favorite of the three books so far in the series. Chloe enters this story as a mermaid goddess among the Philistines. Cheftu enters on an island with anothe...

Sunrise on the Mediterranean (1999) by Suzanne  Frank

Twilight in Babylon (2002)

The last two books in this series have left me wondering why the author chose to write a fictional story based on fiction. The bible as history? Really? Then again, I do enjoy mythology and so I tried to read it in that light, but the seriousness with which the characters seemed to take these bel...

Twilight in Babylon (2002) by Suzanne  Frank

Reflections in the Nile

“What did you say? ” she cried in English.He lunged at her, his eyes pools of amber fire, his grasp iron on her wrists. He babbled incoherently for a few moments until he finally said, in hardly discernible English, “My darling, you have also traveled? From where do you come?”Chloe looked into hi...

Reflections in the Nile by Suzanne  Frank

Shadows on the Aegean (2009)

When it was silent again he lay still, panting, reassured by her breathing.     He felt the cuts and bruises on his back and legs and rolled away gingerly. Chloe leapt up, brushing pebbles from her skin.     “Was that an eruption?” she asked, searching the ...

Shadows on the Aegean (2009) by Suzanne  Frank

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