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Stephen Allan books

Stephen Allan
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Read Books by Stephen Allan


Kastori Devastations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 2)

She heard two competing voices—one of Cyrus, and one of Dyson—in her head. “I’ll never be without you, sweetie.” “I have a rather attractive teacher motivating me to reach the top.” “It’s time to give up fighting. Make a family.” “I’m sure not going to do it listening to some commander with sever...

Kastori Devastations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 2) by Stephen Allan

Kastori Restorations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 4)

Physically, he looked the same as before—he had the same intimidating height, broad shoulders, and dominating stance that crushed opponents before his magic or sword ever did. But Celeste could sense all of the magic had begun to warp his mind. For worse, his mind could not handle all of the powe...

Kastori Restorations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 4) by Stephen Allan

Kastori Tribulations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 3)

Good. Let me have the place to myself. I don’t care if she’s gone. He began sloppily making soup with multiple mistakes and several spills as his anger caused him to rush the process. He cursed himself out but finally finished. Not once in the cooking or eating process did he sense, magically or ...

Kastori Tribulations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 3) by Stephen Allan

Kastori Revelations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 1)

She’d slept well knowing she had Monda’s greatest soldier to protect her and hadn’t even kept her rifle within grabbing distance. She turned to face Crystil, who had her rifle in her hands, not cocked but able to be fired at an instant’s notice. “Hey,” she cooed, trying to avoid startling her com...

Kastori Revelations (The Kastori Chronicles Book 1) by Stephen Allan

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