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Shelley Bradley books

Shelley Bradley
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Read Books by Shelley Bradley


Naughty Little Secret (2006)

After divorcing her never-home husband, Lauren Southall plucked up her courage, dusted off her power suits, and returned to corporate life. Two years later, there's just one six-foot three, testosterone-packed problem: her ex-husband's good friend and her current boss, Noah Reeves. Lauren aches f...

Naughty Little Secret (2006) by Shelley Bradley

His Lady Bride (2000)

Return to an age of danger and chivalry, when three daring knights—fostered together since boyhood in the warrior tradition—face their greatest challenge: winning the hearts of the women they love. A passionate battle of wills... He was a legend on the battlefield, but Aric Neville, known throu...

His Lady Bride (2000) by Shelley Bradley

Strictly Forbidden (2012)

Miss Kira Melbourne is anything but a proper English rose. Her exotic beauty, courtesy of her foreign mother, has marked her as an outsider, and her ghastly reputation as a woman of loose virtue has only added to that status. The victim of a devious viscount's horrible lies, Kira has the chance t...

Strictly Forbidden (2012) by Shelley Bradley

Strip Search (2013)

Rating: 3.5 / 5Before reading this one, I heard that a lot of people liked it less than the previous book, Bound and Determined, but for me, I found them to be fairly equal. Both were decent books...above average, probably, but didn't entirely capture me.Summary:In the previous book, Mark Sulliv...

Strip Search (2013) by Shelley Bradley

His Rebel Bride (2001)

Return to an age of danger and chivalry, when three daring knights— fostered together since boyhood in the same warrior tradition—face their greatest challenge...winning the hearts of the women they love. Days of Battle, Nights of Passion A proud and fearless warrior, Kieran Broderick was half-...

His Rebel Bride (2001) by Shelley Bradley

One Wicked Night

She had finished with the decorator an hour ago, and felt satisfied that all visible traces of Ravenna Clayborne would be erased within a week. Still, it galled her to reside in a room so reminiscent of Lucien’s first wife. But being here alone was entirely preferable to supping with her infuriat...

One Wicked Night by Shelley Bradley

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