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Ryan Casey books

Ryan Casey
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Read Books by Ryan Casey


Bubblegum Smoothie (2014)

Blake Dent is a bounty hunter who catches criminals for a living. He lives by the mantra that he's retired until he needs money to get by, which he spends on lavishly indulgent boy's toys. His only real goal in life is adding a curved TV to his enormous gadget collection.But when someone starts b...

Bubblegum Smoothie (2014) by Ryan Casey

Cucumber Coolie

I preferred my own comforts: my flat, my smoothie stall, the electronics shop just off of Fishergate.So you can imagine my trepidation when Martha and I walked inside Harvers Garages, roughly the nine-zillionth new place I’d visited today.It was a small garage that looked like it didn’t get many ...

Cucumber Coolie by Ryan Casey

The Painting

“Donny, you’re going to have to come out of there.” Banging at the door, muffled voices. He knew they were still watching him because he felt their gaze. He felt it from inside his body—their eyes examining every inch of his being. The trees. But there was more than trees. The figures. There were...

The Painting by Ryan Casey

Infection Z 3

Hayden traipsed through the grass. His legs had lost their strength, and the rucksack of weapons and supplies over his shoulder made his body feel like it was going to cave in. Cold sweat stung his lips, and the smell of rot completely engulfed them in this barren woodland.    &nbs...

Infection Z 3 by Ryan Casey

Dying Eyes

What did she mean, “hit by a car”? Faces buzzed past him, hazy and out of focus. Hospital equipment bleeped, and the smell of disinfectant was ripe in the air.“Sir?”A short, dark-haired nurse watched him as he bombed towards the reception area.“My son,” Brian said, struggling to stay on his feet....

Dying Eyes by Ryan Casey

What We Saw

I couldn’t put a finger on what they were about, but I was trapped behind some railings. The darkness behind me was chasing me and everything evil resided in that darkness. It scared me to death. I woke up dripping with sweat to find that it was already late morning, my chin marked from the rough...

What We Saw by Ryan Casey

Dead Days: The Complete Season Two Collection

It was Dan Brown’s latest book, Inferno. He’d been meaning to read it before the world went to shit, but y’know, he just hadn’t really found the right opportunity now that zombie-type creatures were roaming the world.The boat shifted to the side again, and he smacked his head against the wooden w...

Dead Days: The Complete Season Two Collection by Ryan Casey

Eye Snatcher

He threw the dirty green sponge into his big black bin bag and stepped away from the men’s toilets. He’d been working as a toilet cleaner in Booths for seven years now. Seven fucking years mopping up piss and scraping up shit for a living. No wonder he couldn’t find a woman. He was hardly a catch...

Eye Snatcher by Ryan Casey

Nameless Kill

All these faces‌—‌faces he’d seen in the newspapers, on the news‌—‌looked back at him, wide-eyed. Their fingers were poised on laptop keyboards waiting for any morsel of information they could spin in their own mischievous ways. The press room stunk of sweat. It was clammy in here, the blinds up ...

Nameless Kill by Ryan Casey

Buried Slaughter

Phil Mcphee had done a runner. He could hear voices down the gravelled pathway‌—‌commotion, an old woman kicking up a fuss. He knew the police would be down there, and no doubt up here soon, too.The wind blew his greasy fringe up so that it tapped his wrinkly forehead. He took a few steps back to...

Buried Slaughter by Ryan Casey

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