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Roland Perry books

Roland Perry
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Read Books by Roland Perry


Last of the Cold War Spies: The Life of Michael Straight (2005)

While this is a well-written biography of Michael Whitney Straight, (9/1/16–1/4/04) its central thesis that he was a K.G.B. spy until the collapse of the USSR is unconvincing. The evidence seems perfectly clear through WWII and clear enough through the Henry Wallace campaign, but by the fifties ...

Last of the Cold War Spies: The Life of Michael Straight (2005) by Roland Perry

Faces in the Rain (2012)

after dropping Danielle off in the city, but I couldn’t grab more than a cup of coffee. A lot was happening. My secretary/assistant/confidante, Rachel Carlotti, a computer-efficient, ex-school headmistress of forty-five, had a daunting list of messages for me. It was important to speak with Farra...

Faces in the Rain (2012) by Roland Perry

Program for a Puppet (2012)

But it wasn’t the French police as planned.     “The investigation has been transferred to a special unit of French intelligence known as NAP 1,” Sir Alfred said with a note of concern.     “What’s that?”     “It was set up in the mid-19...

Program for a Puppet (2012) by Roland Perry

Blood Is a Stranger (2012)

He could feel the chill in the ante room of the morgue, and he fought hard to control himself. The trolley was pushed towards him and the three men from the US Embassy by the coroner and an assistant. The sheet was pulled down. Cardinal grimaced. The face had been blasted away. The more he looked...

Blood Is a Stranger (2012) by Roland Perry

Last of the Cold War Spies (2012)

News of the just-turned 21-year-old’s death took three weeks to reach communist party headquarters in England via the communist network. His close friend Straight had the difficult task of informing relatives and other companions. The Cambridge Review said his death was “a bitter loss to English ...

Last of the Cold War Spies (2012) by Roland Perry

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