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Paul Blades books

Paul Blades
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Read Books by Paul Blades


Dreams and Desires

When she awoke, the drapes to her bedroom were still drawn closed and the emerging sign of day glowed through them, illuminating the room with a soft, diffused light. The clock was behind her on the dresser and she could not turn to see what time it was, but she guessed it was about 7:30 or so.Sh...

Dreams and Desires by Paul Blades

Sacrifice to the Emerald God (2008)

The hat she had bought in Aruba and it had two, long, fine cotton straps that wound around above the brim several times and then tied around the chin to hold it on. She had thrown on the long, multicolored, striped skirt she had bought in Caracas when they had flown in and a bright orange, stretc...

Sacrifice to the Emerald God (2008) by Paul Blades

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