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Mike Wells books

Mike Wells
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Read Books by Mike Wells


Lust, Money and Murder, Books 1-3 (2000)

I was hooked from the beginning. I liked this fast paced book and though I suspected the ending, it still kept me enthralled. Elaine Brogan is a highly likable believable character who gained my sympathy and curiosity as to how she was going to deal with the problems in her life. I was with her f...

Lust, Money and Murder, Books 1-3 (2000) by Mike Wells

Lust, Money & Murder

She was afraid to move. Her wounds were seeping blood and she was afraid that it would show on the light blue Air France overcoat she was wearing. Elaine was sure that the man she had bumped into in the jetway had figured out what happened by now. He would have checked with the flight attendants ...

Lust, Money & Murder by Mike Wells

Baby Talk

He and Annie and Natasha hadn’t been on many happy little family outings together, and he didn’t have much experience with the device. He was glad that the orderly who had wheeled Natasha and him out to the car had gone back inside the building and wasn’t watching the struggle.    ...

Baby Talk by Mike Wells

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