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Michelle Lynn books

Michelle  Lynn
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Read Books by Michelle Lynn


Collaboration (2000)

Loved it! Sexy, sweet, sad and emotional. It was much better than I expected. Trace and Taryn are complex and passionate about their music; Trace is a rapper and Taryn is a country singer. They first meet at the Grammys where they are both up for two awards. He wins one, and she the other. Fate t...

Collaboration (2000) by Michelle  Lynn

Familiar Ground (2014)

*This book was provided by the publisher/author to Nerd Girl Official for an honest review.Let me first start by saying that drug addiction is hard. It's a hard demon to be around, a hard demon to witness and an even harder demon to live with. BUT in this stand alone novel by Michelle Lynn it b...

Familiar Ground (2014) by Michelle  Lynn

Let Me Love (2000)

This book was amazing! I cried and cried and cried again. I knew going in it was going to be a bit emotional with a dying sister but Holy Crap! Poor Kaylie that by dedicating her life to her dying sisters family that she shouldn't let anyone love. That it just wouldn't be fair.Trey just wants to ...

Let Me Love (2000) by Michelle  Lynn

Let Me Go

He’s so peaceful with that just fucked hair that I had in fistfuls most of the night. I had a sense he’d be good in bed, but he exceeded my imagination. Even his demanding talk spurred arousal out of me. I move across the room thief-style, snatching my clothes from the floor.    &n...

Let Me Go by Michelle  Lynn

Love Emerged

Seems like a waste of valuable square footage in Chicago to have a room that people pass through. Then again, I’m on a different level here, standing in a penthouse of one of the most sought-after condo buildings.     We walk into the room, Bea breaking away from me to greet h...

Love Emerged by Michelle  Lynn

Rounding Third

“What’s with that?” Ariel asks, disgust clear in her tone.     “What?” I ask, as though my heart hasn’t fractured.     Since Crosby returned, he hasn’t shown interest in any other girls.     “Don’t act like you don’t see it, El. I really...

Rounding Third by Michelle  Lynn

Don't Let Go

I stop at the bottom when I hear voices in my dad’s office. Hovering by the door for a moment, I hear my mom talking with a man who is not my dad. They are discussing Theo’s death. My mom informs him that she wants to change all of the paperwork to my name only, instructing him to combine the two...

Don't Let Go by Michelle  Lynn

Let Me In

Brady weaves through the large masses with ease, while I white knuckle the sides of the car. Peering outside the window, my stomach feels sick as I stare down at the slope of the mountain with a metal guardrail that wouldn’t keep a dog from falling over. Trucks speed down the hills and crawl up t...

Let Me In by Michelle  Lynn

Love Grows in Alaska (The Washington Triplets)

I can’t flippin believe it, but when he asked me after the reception, I couldn’t refuse. There’s something about him—he just gets me.   Anyway, wanted to send you a quick message that if you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s because I’m either fully enjoying my new roommate, or I’m exhauste...

Love Grows in Alaska (The Washington Triplets) by Michelle  Lynn

Can't Let Go

All day, I’ve gone hot and cold on this conversation with my dad. I think he’ll understand. I hope he’ll see how I need to leave. After Chrissy fell asleep last night, I dissected my love-hate relationship with betting. Finally realizing I love the part of my dad’s praise and accolades, but hated...

Can't Let Go by Michelle  Lynn

Love Rekindled (Love Surfaced)

YOU’RE GETTING into the groove now.” I slap him on the back while he makes his way to the locker room. I’m impressed because he really is improving on his time. From the list he gave me of the other guy’s times, he’s got a chance. Cayden walks through the locker room and I turn toward the office,...

Love Rekindled (Love Surfaced) by Michelle  Lynn

Choices (New Beginnings #1)

Her father had let her tag along on one of his rare cases that went to court. It was rarer still that it was tried in the city. That case had been an emotional one. An ex-employee’s family was suing a company for gross negligence in the death of their loved one. She remembered being in awe of her...

Choices (New Beginnings #1) by Michelle  Lynn

Promises (New Beginnings Book 2)

She felt a sense of contentment wash over her as she took in her surroundings. Ever since she was fifteen years old, she’d been terrified that someone would find out her secret. Terrified that they would think of her the same way she’d thought of herself for so many years. She’d done a terrible t...

Promises (New Beginnings Book 2) by Michelle  Lynn

Dreams (New Beginnings Book 3)

Josh asked, taking her hand in his.     “As I’ll ever be.” She grinned.     They pushed open the door and started to run, their feet pounding into the pavement in time with the rain. It was a downpour. That was the only thing to call it. Thunder rumbled in ...

Dreams (New Beginnings Book 3) by Michelle  Lynn

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