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Martin, Kelly books

Martin, Kelly
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Read Books by Martin, Kelly


Sacrificing Sloan (Sloan Series Book 3)

Lawrence let me wear. I tried to calm myself down, but it was really hard. It was just a dream. Just a dream.When did I go back to sleep?I knew I was tired, but the last thing I remembered was talking to Boyd. When did I go to sleep?The big clock which had become my lifeline, strangely, said 1:10...

Sacrificing Sloan (Sloan Series Book 3) by Martin, Kelly

Big is Beautiful

After I took a few seconds to stretch my stiff muscles, I went to my laptop and pulled up the weight loss website I'd signed up for the night before. At the top was a tab for weight loss goals and how much exercise/calories it would take to get there. I typed in my far-reaching goal and sat back ...

Big is Beautiful by Martin, Kelly

Saving Sloan (Sloan Series Book 2)

RAY handed Sloan a glass of water and sat at the table next to her. She drank a huge swig of it, trying to figure out what to say next.“I don’t remember exactly. It happened so fast.”“Try.” Aaron said from the opposite side of the table. His bedhead and clingy black T-shirt suited him. At twenty,...

Saving Sloan (Sloan Series Book 2) by Martin, Kelly

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