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Mark Alpert books

Mark Alpert
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Read Books by Mark Alpert


The Furies

The guardsmen from Haven made no allowances for his broken nose and ribs. They trained their pistols at his head and kept him moving. The trail twisted through the forest, climbing over knolls and descending into ravines. It would’ve been a grueling hike even if he wasn’t injured. John panted fro...

The Furies by Mark Alpert


Layla looked at her just long enough to confirm she was dead. Then the Guoanbu sniper fired again and another bullet streaked overhead. The speedboat was closing in fast. Running on instinct, Layla grabbed the tiller of the Zodiac’s outboard and gunned the engine. She saw no sign of the Athena, w...

Extinction by Mark Alpert

The Omega Theory

AFTER TAMARA showed him the program on the Ultra 27 workstation, he sat in front of the computer the whole night and the following morning, staring at the lines of code for sixteen hours. Then he took a nap. Tamara woke him in the evening and gave him another snack. She said she had to go away fo...

The Omega Theory by Mark Alpert

Siege (2016)

They say there’s been no change in the condition of the students. All four are still unconscious and smoldering with fever.     Dad’s in the treatment center too, still trying to isolate the anthrax microbes that have infected Brittany and the other kids. The doctors say he’s ...

Siege (2016) by Mark Alpert

The Orion Plan

It wasn’t much of a garden, really. The apartment buildings on her block surrounded a dingy courtyard that was divided by high fences into a dozen modest plots, one for each of the ground-floor apartments. Dorothy’s garden was a ten-foot-by-twenty-foot rectangle that lay outside the sliding glass...

The Orion Plan by Mark Alpert

Six (2015)

We can’t allow electronic messages of any kind. I’ve ordered Colonel Peterson to deliver this memo to you personally. If you wish to reply, you must write the message by hand or by typewriter (as I’m doing now) and give it to Peterson, who will carry it back to Colorado.     L...

Six (2015) by Mark Alpert

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