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Margaret George books

Margaret George
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Read Books by Margaret George


Elizabeth I (2011)

Tried very hard to get through this book but didn't happen. I was really looking forward to this one as I am a big fan of Tudor history. However, after reading 170 pages I had to make a decision wether or not I was going to finish it. The reading was slow and the story plodded along like a cow t...

Elizabeth I (2011) by Margaret George

The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers (1998)

The book is a fictional diary written by King Henry VIII of England before his death and encompassing all his life, from early childhood and to his last day. After the King's death the diary is found by his personal fool, Will Somers, who included his views on events in it and sent it to Mary Bol...

The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers (1998) by Margaret George

Helen of Troy (2006)

This is one of those books I’ve been meaning to read, but didn’t get to until now, published in 2006. Here’s a somewhat meandering review, more a collection of my reactions/thoughts than a formal review. Margaret George writes historical fiction set in a number of periods from Cleopatra to Elizab...

Helen of Troy (2006) by Margaret George

Memoirs of Cleopatra (1998)

Margaret George has done it again! Just as she did in The Autobiography of Henry VIII, Margaret George has given an utterly realistic voice to a famous historical figure, while remaining true to the facts contained in whatever documented sources are available.Many other novels about Cleopatra foc...

Memoirs of Cleopatra (1998) by Margaret George

Mary, Called Magdalene (2003)

Margaret George is well-known for her chunkster epics in historical fiction, each focusing on the life tale of one historical figure. Thus far she’s told the stories of the lives of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Mary Queen of Scots, Kleopatra VII, and Helen of Troy. I’ve only read her works on Henry V...

Mary, Called Magdalene (2003) by Margaret George

Mary Queen of Scotland and The Isles (1997)

Margaret George has rescued Mary from the history books and brought her to life as a vibrant, compelling, and astonishingly modern heroine. This Mary talks and thinks like a modern woman, yet her actions are absolutely true to the spirit of the times and the known facts about her life. Sometimes ...

Mary Queen of Scotland and The Isles (1997) by Margaret George

Mary Queen of Scotland & the Isles

His colouring was bad; he was flushed where he should have been pale, and blanched where he should have been flushed.   Bothwell walked forward as though he were so disgusted he could barely stand to be in the same room as everyone else including the Queen. She noticed that he wore his riding clo...

Mary Queen of Scotland & the Isles by Margaret George

The Memoirs of Cleopatra

Gradually I grew thin while the babies grew big, as if a very source of being were transferred from me to them. My strength returned; even my pain disappeared. “Youth is a marvelous healer,” said Olympos after he pronounced me completely recovered. “No, I think it was your skill,” I said. “After ...

The Memoirs of Cleopatra by Margaret George

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