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Lynda Mullaly Hunt books

Lynda Mullaly Hunt
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.1

Read Books by Lynda Mullaly Hunt


One for the Murphys (2012)

First off, read this book. Just do. There are so many things to say about this novel and what it does in its brief 224 pages. And those 224 pages? I whipped through them more quickly than normal thanks to Hunt's easy style.I was quickly caught up with and pulling for Carley. Hunt wrote in such a ...

One for the Murphys (2012) by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Fish in a Tree

Daniels goes over the new words for the week. As far as reading lessons go, this isn’t so bad. All I have to do is listen as he tells us the word’s meaning, and I can usually remember it because I make mind movies about each one and that helps me remember.     I’ve always had ...

Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

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