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Liz Moore books

Liz   Moore
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Read Books by Liz Moore


Heft (2012)

I think this was an accurate portrayal of the lives that many people live in this world. Pain is rampant among many who suffer from depression and loss and sometimes this affects their ability to function and lead "normal" lives. The author does a great job of showing her readers a glimpse of pai...

Heft (2012) by Liz   Moore

Il peso (2012)

Heft is the heartbreaking story of two lonely, damaged, people who fail to grasp their one chance of attaining happiness. It is also the story of an eighteen year old boy who must find his way through the morass of tragedy that lies in the wake of that unhappiness. Arthur Opp's lonely existence h...

Il peso (2012) by Liz   Moore

The Unseen World

She had read for seven hours straight. She had gone back over several passages twice. She had not eaten since breakfast. At first she could not find Gregory and Frank; she wondered if they’d left. But finally she wandered around a corner and found them sitting on chairs in a sort of slapdash wait...

The Unseen World by Liz   Moore

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