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Lis Wiehl books

Lis Wiehl
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Read Books by Lis Wiehl


La Mano del Destino (2010)

I am not really sure what I think of this book. It's well-written, has an interesting storyline and some great characters but...I wasn't sure what it was that bugged me until the end. There was a not so subtle monologue about children of illegal aliens and then I knew what it was. Not only was th...

La Mano del Destino (2010) by Lis Wiehl

El Corazon De Hielo (2011)

Este libro lo encontré más o menos el año pasado, paseando por una librería en el Centro Histórico del D.F, me llamó la atención la portada y después de leer la sinopsis, quise comprarlo pero no lo hice. Fue más o menos un par de meses después que conseguí adquirirlo pero no lo empecé enseguida.C...

El Corazon De Hielo (2011) by Lis Wiehl

The Newsmakers (2015)

The office is perfectly organized and decorated in soothing beiges. Madge herself—in her understated gray dress and pearls, glasses on a chain around her neck and hair in a bun—seems like a throwback to a more genteel New York. This is exactly the kind of calm, ordered place that Erica needs to b...

The Newsmakers (2015) by Lis Wiehl

Darkness Rising (The East Salem Trilogy)

When Dani came downstairs a little after seven o’clock, she saw Villanegre and Ruth sitting at Tommy’s kitchen computer. They’d spent about an hour researching the names from the SD card Dani had been given, and told her they’d found two more disturbing hits—a St. Adrian’s alum who’d been on one ...

Darkness Rising (The East Salem Trilogy) by Lis Wiehl

The Candidate (2016)

There’s a book inside. It looks ancient—the paper is foxed and brittle and looks like it could crumble into dust at any second. And the book is in Chinese. Erica gingerly opens it in a few places. The characters are graceful and beautiful, but of course she has no idea what they mean.   ...

The Candidate (2016) by Lis Wiehl

A Deadly Business

Charlie demanded as soon as Mia climbed into his car. Part of him wanted to throttle her. They were going to meet with Tamsin’s husband, Wade, and their son, Luke, but right now his focus was only on Mia. “Someone tries to cut your throat with a razor blade in court yesterday and you don’t even t...

A Deadly Business by Lis Wiehl

Hand of Fate

She liked it that way. Something solid and impenetrable against her shoulder blades. And facing the door. She always wanted to see what was coming. She was wearing jeans and a long-sleeved red shirt. Long-sleeved because her left arm was a wreck--bruised, cut, scraped--from all the elbow work she...

Hand of Fate by Lis Wiehl

Face of Betrayal

HATFIELD UNITED STATES COURTHOUSE December 31 Unable to sleep after watching Fairview’s interview, Allison had gone to work ninety minutes early. Just as she was putting her key into the lock, the phone began to ring inside her office. She quickly unlocked the door and lunged for the receiver, ca...

Face of Betrayal by Lis Wiehl

Heart of Ice

Hatfield Federal CourthouseColton Foley had been arrested six days ago. Two days later he had gone before a judge. Declaring Foley both a flight risk and a possible risk to the community, the judge had denied bail. Now Allison had only a little more than three weeks to give a grand jury cause to ...

Heart of Ice by Lis Wiehl

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