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Linda Stratmann books

Linda Stratmann
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Read Books by Linda Stratmann


An Appetite for Murder

What kind of man had he been? He was undoubtedly clever with law and finance though what other skills he might have had were a mystery. Was he kind, sociable or witty? Did his manner inspire trust? Was his generosity merely outward show to acquire a reputation in the eyes of the world, or was it ...

An Appetite for Murder by Linda Stratmann

A Case of Doubtful Death

She felt obliged to pace out Henry Palmer’s new route north, though not with any real hope that she would learn a great deal, although as she travelled up the road, looking carefully about her, she reflected on the possible reasons for him going that way. Mary Ann had seen him stop to think and t...

A Case of Doubtful Death by Linda Stratmann

The Children of Silence

As the attendant turned to manoeuvre the chair down the side alley that led to the garden, Frances lengthened her stride and caught up with him. ‘Excuse me, sir, but I was wondering if you might help me?’ she asked, hoping that he was the kind of man always ready to assist a female. She had adopt...

The Children of Silence by Linda Stratmann

The Poisonous Seed

Frances considered attending but eventually decided that to do so would be highly improper, especially if she was recognised; also her household duties that morning did not permit her to be absent for any length of time. It was washday, and she would be employed for several hours, boiling water, ...

The Poisonous Seed by Linda Stratmann

The Daughters of Gentlemen

She described its merits and extracted a promise from Frances that they would go together and see it without any delay, but recognised with some concern that Frances’ introspective mood was not a happy one. A hard stare was all that was required to induce Frances to reveal what she would have tol...

The Daughters of Gentlemen by Linda Stratmann

Fraudsters and Charlatans (2012)

The prisoner was found lying on his bed, his legs terribly burnt. In a desperate attempt at suicide, he had set fire to his straw mattress, and then lain determinedly in the flames. He survived, but was too ill to be tried until the following July, when he had to be carried into court. Harry Bens...

Fraudsters and Charlatans (2012) by Linda Stratmann

Mr Scarletti's Ghost (2015)

Soft shadowed gaslight that could be a friend to the vain had previously made the lady appear to be hardly more than twenty-five, but in Brighton’s famous white glare Mina saw that she was older, perhaps by as much as ten years. She had a steady gaze, large grey eyes and expressive hands. Mr Clee...

Mr Scarletti's Ghost (2015) by Linda Stratmann

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