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Libby Sternberg books

Libby Sternberg
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Read Books by Libby Sternberg


Finding the Forger

The bandana thing had to go the next day. Sarah was right. It violated the dress code in some perverse gender-equality way. You see, boys aren’t allowed to wear caps or hats in our school, so in order to make things “equal,” the powers that be have declared that girls can’t wear any head covering...

Finding the Forger by Libby Sternberg

Uncovering Sadie's Secrets

He had thick dark hair and a squarish face that was rugged and tan. He wore a trench coat, a white shirt, and gray slacks. A slight bulge near his shoulder indicated he was packing some heat, as they say in detective novels about folks who carry guns. He looked down at me with twinkling blue eyes...

Uncovering Sadie's Secrets by Libby Sternberg

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