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Layna Pimentel books

Layna Pimentel
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Read Books by Layna Pimentel


Shadowed by Sin

“Well now, in lieu of last night’s disaster, I daresay the masque we have planned tonight shall continue. Do you not agree, my lord?” she turned to ask the earl, who barely paid her any mind. Estelle blanched at the suggestion, and turned to look at her fiancé, who already scowled with discontent...

Shadowed by Sin by Layna Pimentel


For each time he escorted her about, she prodded him to make her his official mistress. A thought that on most days he abhorred, though with each passing day, the benefits outweighed the inconveniences. He had only just begun to move forward and had spent the last month sober. After the sotted me...

9781618859594HerDeviantLordPimentel by Layna Pimentel


the duke snarled. Emily could not believe he was scolding scolded her for running away after catching him in the middle of his indiscretion. Her stomach sank as hurt swallowed her whole. “Is this the way it will always be? For if it is, I will have you know, I will not accept your proposal. I wil...

9781618858467ASinfulEducationPimentel by Layna Pimentel

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