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Lauren Kate books

Lauren Kate
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Read Books by Lauren Kate


Fallen in Love (2012)

The first story in this takes place in Medival England it follows Miles and Shelby who are looking for Luce to bring her to Daniel. While there they meet up with Medival Luce who has at this point met Daniel and lost him as she is not the proper lady he could marry but a farmer's daughter. With...

Fallen in Love (2012) by Lauren Kate

La eternidad y un día (2012)

Wat gebeurt er wanneer Luce, Daniel, Shelby, Miles, Ronald en Arianne onverwachts Valentijnsdag vieren in de Middeleeuwen? Fallen in Love vertelt in korte hoofdstukken ieder hun verhaal.Leuk voor de liefhebbers van de Fallen serie, maar ik vindt het weinig toevoegen aan de reeks. Vooral geschikt ...

La eternidad y un día (2012) by Lauren Kate

Teardrop (2013)

It took me 3 tries to engage with this book. I found it really slow until at least 1/2 way when the pace finally picked up.Positives: really creative premise involving Atlantis, you can feel Eureka's pain which speaks to some good writing, interesting characters, and an exciting ending.Negatives...

Teardrop (2013) by Lauren Kate

La última lágrima (2014)

I thought I'd like this more, but it was only so-so. I thought the romance was boring and it took far too long to get to the fantasy action parts (the great opening scene notwithstanding). Although, I always have to hedge my review by saying that I listened to it on audio in the car and therefore...

La última lágrima (2014) by Lauren Kate

La historia de Ander (2014)

This short story gives you more insight to Ander. The love interest to Eureka. Ander initially felt like a stalker. Who loved Eureka from afar. But after reading this, you discover that Ander has more hardships then we all thought. His family believe that Eureka is a risk, a danger to the world, ...

La historia de Ander (2014) by Lauren Kate

La primera maldición (2012)

A Luce y a Daniel solo les queda una oportunidad para salvar su historia... y la del mundo.Y es que Lucifer ha desvelado por fin sus planes: quiere recrear la Caída de los ángeles a la Tierra para alterar el tiempo y borrar, de un solo plumazo, todo lo acontecido en los últimos siete mil años.Luc...

La primera maldición (2012) by Lauren Kate


Eureka jumped at Solon’s voice behind her the next morning. She thought she’d been alone on the Bitter Cloud’s roof.     She’d climbed the stairs to the veranda at sunrise, curious about the view Ander had seen the night before when he came looking for her. Everything was silv...

Waterfall by Lauren Kate


Connor Madson—a towheaded kid from Luce’s biology class and one of Shoreline’s student waiters—stood over her with a silver platter at the Harvest Fest on Monday night.“No, thanks.” Luce pointed down at the thick stack of lukewarm fake meat slices still on her plate.“Maybe later.” Connor and the ...

Torment by Lauren Kate

The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove

Midnight, at the falls, dress darkly and go quietly. Today, I’d been the one to send the text, feeling uncharacteristically nervous even as I used the code we’d used countless times before. The difference was that usually Mike and I just went there to relax and spend some time together. Tonight, ...

The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove by Lauren Kate

Fallen (2009)

After she’d fled the cemetery—and Daniel—she’d practically sprinted up to her room. She hadn’t even bothered to turn on a light, so she’d tripped over her desk chair and stubbed her toe hard. She’d curled into a ball and gripped her throbbing foot. At least the pain was something real that she co...

Fallen (2009) by Lauren Kate

Last Day of Love

Tomorrow I swear off love.     It’s absurd. I’ve never kissed a girl, never asked anyone out. I’ve never slipped my arm around a waist, hoping for encouragement to let it stay. I’ve never danced entangled in another’s limbs, never flirted in a hallway or teased someone and wal...

Last Day of Love by Lauren Kate

Fallen (2009)

The teacher had yet to materialize, the flimsy desks were arranged in haphazard rows, and the supply closet was barricaded with stacks of dusty boxes piled in front of it. What was worse, none of the other kids seemed to notice the disarray. In fact, none of the other kids seemed to notice that t...

Fallen (2009) by Lauren Kate

The Fallen Sequence

She sat up in bed, pushing her way out from under the pile of jeans, T-shirts, and sweaters. She plucked an argyle sock off her forehead.“Arriane?”“Do you like the red one? Or the black?” Arriane was holding two of Luce’s dresses up against her tiny frame, swaying as she modeled each one.Arriane’...

The Fallen Sequence by Lauren Kate

Unforgiven (2015)

It was finally free, since the Perceived Slights were all busy at a prom court meeting. Lilith had walked by their table in the center of the cafeteria after grabbing a sandwich and had noticed the empty seat where Cam was supposed to sit. He hadn’t been in homeroom or poetry that morning either,...

Unforgiven (2015) by Lauren Kate

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