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Kurtis Scaletta books

Kurtis Scaletta
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Read Books by Kurtis Scaletta


Mudville (2009)

Muddville by Kutris Scaletta, was a very complex book. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. I liked the book, but there was something’s that I would change. I found the setting interesting, the characters interesting, but the plot was too much for me. I felt like there were way too many things goi...

Mudville (2009) by Kurtis Scaletta

Mamba Point (2010)

She called it a gabfest for embassy wives. “It’s actually a luncheon for adult dependents of staff at the embassy,” Dad explained. He was in the living room, reading a week-old New York Times. I was looking for the comics section and beginning to realize that stupid newspaper didn’t have one. “Ho...

Mamba Point (2010) by Kurtis Scaletta

The 823rd Hit (2012)

“What’s this?” he asked. “Your lucky birthday baseball,” I told him. “The guy who caught it has a cat.” “You must mean a cougar,” said Teddy. “For a lucky baseball, that thing sure doesn’t look like it’s had much luck,” said Wayne Zane. “Just sayin’.” “It’s the right ball, though,” said Teddy. “I...

The 823rd Hit (2012) by Kurtis Scaletta

Steal That Base! (2012)

t’s you!” said Wally when I got to the locker room. Several of the players were getting suited up for the game. “Yeah. Sorry I’m late,” I said. I put my lunch in the team fridge. “Mom wanted to make me lunch, I had to take the dog for a walk, and the line outside was really long.” “I’m just glad ...

Steal That Base! (2012) by Kurtis Scaletta

The Winter of the Robots (2013)

Sergei was working at the shop all day Saturday and wouldn’t be able to work on the robot until late that evening. “Not sure what to do until then,” he wrote. “Want to go look at demolition equipment?” I told him about meeting Dan. “Sure. I’ll ride in with my bro.” “I’ll tell R.” I said. I’d forg...

The Winter of the Robots (2013) by Kurtis Scaletta

The Tanglewood Terror (2011)

“Finally,” she said. “Someone’s here.” Her voice was frayed, and she sounded close to tears. Her hair was standing up all over, and she looked rumpled and scared. Cassie came over and bumped her head against my leg, nearly knocking me flat. “It’s okay,” I told her, reaching down to scratch her ea...

The Tanglewood Terror (2011) by Kurtis Scaletta

Jinxed! (2012)

was just a kid, but I already had my dream job. I was the batboy for the Pine City Porcupines. The Pines were the baseball team in my hometown. They played in the Prairie League. I wrote them a letter in the off-season, asking if I could be a batboy. I told them that I would love to do it, that I...

Jinxed! (2012) by Kurtis Scaletta

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