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Khaled Hosseini books

Khaled Hosseini
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Books: 7 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.03

Read Books by Khaled Hosseini


A planine odjeknuše (2013)

what do I think? I think his 'kite runner' and 'thousand splendid suns' was better than this one . This book was like a set of many short stories combined into one book and all the stories were very touching ..Sir you know how to make your readers cry .. the book started with a promise to never ...

A planine odjeknuše (2013) by Khaled Hosseini

Cometas en el cielo (Novela gráfica) (2011)

Though not as emotional as the actual novel, this version stays true to the main plot and is told through beautiful illustrations. Man, that ending gets me every time. A great read for anyone who has wanted to read the book but doesn't have time to commit to the whole novel. Greatest takeaway: "...

Cometas en el cielo (Novela gráfica) (2011) by Khaled Hosseini

De vliegeraar (de graphic novel) (2000)

This is one of a handful of exceptional books I've read this year. It is up there with "Americanah" and "Half of a yellow sun". After "12 years a slave", I needed something to rejuvenate and revive my love for reading.Khaled has a gift for words. Up until page 66, I couldn't make head nor tail of...

De vliegeraar (de graphic novel) (2000) by Khaled Hosseini

The Kite Runner: Graphic Novel (2011)

الطائفية توجد في كل مكان الا في قلب طفل"لأجلك ألف مرة ومرة "حسان الهازارا" الشيعي" الكابولي ذو الشفة الأرنبية يقولها قبل عشرين عاماً لصديقه وسيده وأخيه السني أمير آغا في منظر بطولي مشرف أثناء لعبة طائرة الورق ! ليعود أمير آغا لقولها لابن حسان "لأجلك ألف مرة ومرة " وهو يركض خلف طائرته الورقية بع...

The Kite Runner: Graphic Novel (2011) by Khaled Hosseini

The Kite Runner (2004)

Finished this book about a month ago but it's taken me this long to write a review about it because I have such mixed feelings about it. It was a deeply affecting novel, but mostly not in a good way. I really wanted to like it, but the more I think about what I didn't like about the book, the mor...

The Kite Runner (2004) by Khaled Hosseini

A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007)

Like diamonds and roses hidden under bomb rubble, this is a story of intense beauty and strength buried under the surface of the cruel and capricious life imposed upon two Afghani women. She remembered Nana saying once that each snowflake was a sigh heaved by an aggrieved woman somewhere in th...

A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007) by Khaled Hosseini

And the Mountains Echoed

I play it as I slip off my shoes and sit at my desk. She tells me she has a cold, one she is sure she picked up from Mamá, then she asks after me, asks how work is going in Kabul. At the end, just before she hangs up, she says, Odie goes on and on about how you don’t call. Of course she won’t tel...

And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

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