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Katherine John books

Katherine John
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Read Books by Katherine John


Six Foot Under (1996)

Second book in the Detective Trevor Joseph series.Compton Castle is a Victorian psychiatric hospital long overdue for demolition. Its warrens of rooms and acres of grounds, originally designed as a sanctuary for the mentally ill, now provide the ideal stalking ground for a serial killer.Physicall...

Six Foot Under (1996) by Katherine John

The Ghost Before Christmas (2013)

He introduced them to Elin and his great-niece Nia, who was “helping” Elin roll out the pastry for tartlets.     Nia looked warily at Trevor and Peter. Trevor crouched beside her until his eyes were on a level with hers. He held out his hand.     ‘I’m Trevo...

The Ghost Before Christmas (2013) by Katherine John

The Defeated Aristocrat

‘They called at the Engels’s house this evening and interviewed Dolf. He’d been out all day on the brewery delivery waggon and had settled in for the evening with his parents. He has no intention of going out again.’‘I thought Engels’s outburst against Norde was worth mentioning.’‘It was. Thank y...

The Defeated Aristocrat by Katherine John

(1995) By Any Name

He only had to glance at the houses for the name of the street to come to mind, and he found himself navigating the roads by a map that had somehow managed to ingrain itself on to his consciousness. He drove out of High Street, knowing to a split second when the road ceased to be High Street and ...

(1995) By Any Name by Katherine John

Midnight Murders (2013)

‘Sauce, vinegar, salt?’ the girl enquired pleasantly. ‘Nothing, thank you.’ Dan was annoyed at the interruption and Peter’s interpretation of “sandwich”. But Peter’s attention was riveted on the first decent meal he’d seen in days. ‘I’ll have vinegar, salt and English mustard if you’ve got it, lo...

Midnight Murders (2013) by Katherine John

The Amber Knight

Disorientated, she lifted her head from the conference table and knocked the pile of papers she’d fallen asleep over to the floor. The DVD player was still switched on, but the TV screen was blank. ‘It’s the doorbell,’ Adam whispered from the corridor. He’d changed his bloodstained trousers for j...

The Amber Knight by Katherine John

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