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Kate Danley books

Kate Danley
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Read Books by Kate Danley


Maggie for Hire (2011)

Two worlds, one contain us and the other containing them — sort of. If all the magical people stayed on the other side, Maggie would have nothing to do but visit her mother and worry about her missing father. The thing is that creatures can travel between. The legal portals are regulated. Maggie...

Maggie for Hire (2011) by Kate Danley

Maggie Get Your Gun (2000)

Much more action than the last book, and lucky for me - more simple(ton) humor :)All my favorites were still around, and there were some new critters to be found; ghosts, werewolves, and genies. Not to mention, werepires and vampwolves, but I can't say much about those. Killian was just as dorky ...

Maggie Get Your Gun (2000) by Kate Danley

The Dark of Twilight (Twilight Shifters Book 1)

And then she heard the baying dogs in the distance.  They would be upon her at any moment.  She struggled again, but the ropes were too tight.  She screamed and strained against them, but it was futile.  She hung her head forward and began to cry in fear and frustration.  She looked back up again...

The Dark of Twilight (Twilight Shifters Book 1) by Kate Danley

Maggie on the Bounty

He straightened himself out.  "At your service, Maggie." But he was limping at a slow half-jog, which didn't bode well.  Even though the entire world was sort of hanging in the balance and I could have used an extra hand, I knew the vampires would finish him off before we ever got a chance to sav...

Maggie on the Bounty by Kate Danley

1 A Spirited Manor

In the middle sat a round table with a red velvet cloth draped over it.  Eight seats circled it, waiting for the guests. The eeriness of the room seemed not to affect Horace.  He strode in and plopped himself upon a chair.  "So, is this where I sit, Wesley?" Clara and Marguerite exchanged glances...

1 A Spirited Manor by Kate Danley

Queen Mab

"Mab," he replied, his lips still swollen from pressing upon hers. She traced her fingers around his curls, feeling at once like she could disappear into nothingness or explode into creation and all the world would be right. "What do you think of, dear Mab?" he asked.  His lips formed a smile, sl...

Queen Mab by Kate Danley

2 Spirit of Denial

"Whatever could be the matter?" Clara whispered to herself. She slowly sat up and hung her legs over the side of her bed.  Nan knocked gently and then opened the door.  She seemed surprised to see Clara awake. "Up and about already?" she said.  "I would have thought you would have slept until noo...

2 Spirit of Denial by Kate Danley

Moon Rise (Twilight Shifters Book 2)

Lord Arnkell was leaner, his shorn brown hair was longer, but otherwise he had not changed. His square, chiseled jaw twitched as he looked at them with a mixture of contempt and amusement.  His soft, leather-soled shoes barely made a sound as he walked towards Aein.  He was always quiet before he...

Moon Rise (Twilight Shifters Book 2) by Kate Danley

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