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Jude Fisher books

Jude Fisher
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Read Books by Jude Fisher


Sorcery Rising (2003)

With this thrilling fantasy debut, Jude Fisher has created nothing less than an epic masterpiece. Filled with magic and magical quests, war and deception, sex and romance, and painted on a canvas rich with different fantastic cultures and exotic landscapes, and with one of the most dynamic and ch...

Sorcery Rising (2003) by Jude Fisher

The Rose of the World (2006)

Boo, hoo :'( my son and I have finished the trilogy. Each time we finish a series, I wonder if our reading adventures will continue or if this was the last time. Time passes and change comes to us all, even to my family.Finn (Katla's twin) is a right bastard. He was the kind of child that torture...

The Rose of the World (2006) by Jude Fisher

Wild Magic

Amid the swells and folds of land which rose steeply from the narrow inlet, tiny amber lights twinkled in strings and clusters, and a large fire appeared to be burning down near the shore, illuminating the dark water and several dozen ships bobbing at anchor in the inner harbour. Then the Pillars...

Wild Magic by Jude Fisher

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